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Yama Judo Policies

Aside from being one of the most prestigious and universal Olympic disciplines, Judo is more than sport - it is also an acknowledged educational tool and a way of life enriched by a moral code and ethic values.

Respect, honesty, self-control, friendship, courtesy, honor, courage and modesty - the eight values of the judo moral code are taught to every judoka from the very first time they enter a dojo. This code is incompatible with actions that go against the spirit of the sport.

Judo is and will always be a bastion against bad and blameworthy behavior. Anyone disrespecting the values of Judo shall be immediately and strongly sanctioned.

Yama Judo firmly incorporates the moral and ethical principles upon which the sport was founded. Since its founding in 1885, these principles have expanded throughout the world to become the guiding principles and policies for the learning, practicing, and teaching of Judo.

Yama Judo follows the policies of the International Judo Federation, the associated US judo organizations, and NC Judo Inc. In addition to those policies, Yama Judo has also established several policies for the benefit of it members.

The following policies may be amended or added to. Notification of policy changes will be placed on Yama Judo's website.

Yama Judo Club (us, we, our)

This privacy statement sets out how we use and look after the personal information we collect from you. We are the data controller, responsible for the processing of any personal data that you provide us with. We take reasonable care to keep your information secure and to prevent any unauthorized access to or use of it.

What personal Data do we collect

Personal data means any information about an individual from which that individual can be identified. We collect, use, store and transfer some personal data of our members, and where relevant their parents or guardians.

You provide information about yourself when you register with us, and by filling in forms and by corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise.

Why we collect data and the

We use member information data to:

Lawful reasons for processing personal data

Who we share your personal data with:

The reason for sharing your data is to highlight and encourage competitors to advance in the sport. Or to apply for further funding to ensure the sports or clubs longevity

We may disclose your personal information to third parties to comply with a legal obligation, or to protect the rights, property, safety of our members, associates and others.

Protection of your personal data

How long we hold your personal data for

Your Rights

Members Code of Conduct & Ethics

All members of Yama Judo Club must adhere to the following Codes:

  1. All persons attending Judo sessions should conduct themselves in a manner, so as not to be intrusive to others and in accordance with the spirit of Judo.
  2. Parents will be held responsible for their children’s behavior at all times.
  3. Please do not stray or allow siblings to walk around premises.
  4. Spectator Noise should be kept to a minimum inside the Dojo (Training Hall).
  5. No Footwear is to be worn on Mats by anybody.
  6. Participating Players must use footwear on every exit of Mat area (i.e. Toilet)
  7. No Smoking, vapping, or consumption of alcohol or similar types of drinks in Dojo or Grounds.
  8. No Eating or Drinking on Mat area.
  9. No Bad Language should be used in Dojo.
  10. No jewellery should be worn on Mat area.
  11. No hard or metallic objects may be worn (This Includes Hair Ties)
  12. General Hygiene: As Judo is a close combat sport; a high level of Hygiene is required.
    • Judo Suits / Clothing must be clean and odorless
    • inger and Toe Nails must be kept short and clean.
    • Long Hair (males and females alike) must be tied back with cloth/elastic ties only (free of metal/plastic)
  13. The Coach in charge may revoke membership of any child or adult who can not follow these rules.

Yama Judo is not a babysitting organization. For your child to succeed in Judo and life, parental involvement is required.

The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarized below. All Coaches must:

Responsibilities of a Coach include ensuring the welfare of their players. In order to help Coaches in doing this, all national and state judo organizations require all new Coaches to understand and abide by the organization's Coaches Code and Ethics.

Parents are advised that places within our classes are limited. This is for the safety and personal attention of all our students. If a student has a place within our club full attendance is required. Continual absences from class without reasonable explanations will result in the loss of the place for the student and the place will be offered to others on our waiting list. Parents will be informed when this matter arises.

Parents are responsible for bringing their child to the classes.

Parents are responsible for collecting their child from the venue

Children must be collected on time as the dojo needs to be cleared immediately after class times.

If parents wish to call earlier to collect their child from the club please advise us before class to avoid disruption.

Classes generally consists of fitness and strength training, warm up exercises, technical instruction and cool down periods. The structure of the exercises includes individual and team games to develop the students core balance, co-ordination and agility in a fun and enjoyable manner. Parents are advised that the structure of the class is determined by the head coach and is subject to change.

This applies to all children, adults, parents/guardians in and around the club premises.

The following are not permited in the dojo under any circumstances:

It is recommended that students bring a bottle of water with their name on it to each class for hydration purposes. Students must take their bottles home after each class.

We are always interested in feedback from parents about their needs and about our club, good or bad so that we may develop our service further.

Parents are welcome to talk to the coaches at any time at the end of each session.News letters will be sent out regularly as a way of keeping in contact with parents.

It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure they have read all information sent out to keep up to date with policies and procedures.

Parents will be notified of any major changes in the form of a letter which will be given to the students

Fees must be paid at the beginning of each class/term

Class/Term Fee.................................................

In general terms students who are unwell should not attend class. A

Any student who becomes ill in class will be sent home as early as possible.

Students many be excluded from class, until the student has recovered, based on any of the following:

Parents are reminded that for most infectious conditions there is a recommended period of exclusions for the protection of other students. Please discuss with us if you need further clarification in relation to this.

It is important that all records relating to students are kept up to date at all times.

It is our policy that all forms must be completed and signed by parents and returned to the head coach before a child is accepted into the club

Parents must inform the Head Coach immediately if any changes occur to the records held on file so records can be updated accordingly.

Parents are reminded that the club is committed to maintaining confidentiality and maintains a secure place to keep sensitive records.

All students attending the training or competition must hold current USA Judo membership. In the interest of student safety, USA Judo has a strict policy of: NO membership-NO Insurance -NO Judo

Our club’s aim is to provide a safe environment for all students.

Our practice is to provide good and active supervision at all times.

In the event of an accident happening parents will be notified and the incident will be recorded in the accident/incident book.

Our club has an equal opportunities policy in place which includes procedures for combating discrimination and to ensure that every student in our care feels valued and that each student learns to value and respect others.

The club will continue through its policy to seek to remove any barriers which may exist to equal opportunity.

Our club’s aim is to provide a fully inclusive and accessible environment for all its students. We are committed to ensuring all our coaches and volunteers are properly trained and qualified to coach people with extra support needs and that all these coaches and volunteers attend a disability awareness course.

Our club has a clear expectation of how students should interact with each other and adults.

Our focus includes safety consideration and respect for other people’s feelings, the development of negotiation and sharing skills, and the building of friendships. We promote good behavior by setting examples as good role models and by providing consistency and a framework for the students.

Our rules are simple for students to understand and are enforced in a fair manner. Students need to know that the rules do not keep changing. Knowing that boundaries and goals are set helps students feel secure.

Parents will always be informed if a student’s behavior is giving concern as they may have an idea why there has been a change in behavior.

In the interest of safety students who continuously disrupt others during class will be asked to sit off the mat until the end of class and parents will be notified of their behavior on collection. The behavior will be monitored and discussed again with the parent if necessary.

At our club, safety is our priority. We are committed to a practice, which protects students from harm while they are in our care. We accept and recognize our responsibilities to develop awareness of the practices that cause students harm. We do this by:

Suspected child abuse will be reported to the authorities.

Many competitions and other events are held throughout the year across the state, region, nationally, and internationally. Every student is encouraged to participate in these events as they are an integral part of a student's development in judo and life.

Yama Judo will offer its members the opportunity to attend training camps and competitions.

Students who aspire to compete need train at least twice a week.

What to expect:

At Yama Judo we do not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or intimidation from any person or source.

This procedure covers any necessary disciplinary action or actions as a result of a complaint or incident.

All officials, members, parents, guardians or others attending our venue or external venues as part of attendance on behalf of Yama Judo are covered by this document.